People warned not to see after earth movie
People warned not to see after earth movie

In the article entitled ‘Contagion’ or How Disaster Movies “Educate” the Masses, we discussed how disaster movies are an important indoctrination tool that present and sell specific “political responses” to major crises. It basically says: “If something happens, the rich and powerful will live and the rest of you suckers will die”. Furthermore, a specific message can be understood by the way the crisis has been handled in the movie.

people warned not to see after earth movie

While a good portion of the two-and-a-half hour movie is dedicated to CGI destruction, 2012 contains many Biblical, mythological and historical references that gives the story a deeper underlying meaning.

people warned not to see after earth movie

The movie’s apocalyptic scenario depicts in vivid detail people’s worst fears regarding 2012: The destruction of everything and the killing of everyone … well, almost everyone. Released in 2009, Roland Emmerich’s film 2012 plays on the fears and panic engendered by the “OMG-the-Mayans-said-we’re-gonna-die-in-2012” scare.

People warned not to see after earth movie